Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The best years ever
I was playing basketball with Jacob. While we were playing he told me that I should ask out Isabell.
I said, “she wouldn’t say yes.”
Jacob said, “yes she would”.
He said, “What is the worst thing that could happen?”.
The next day, I went to school and asked her.
She said, “Yes. I have always liked you and wanted you to ask me out for a while”.
I said, “ I am so happy that you said yes because I was so scared that you would say no. I really like you and I didn’t want to be a fool in front of you”.
Later that day, Jacob came over to hang out. We played more basketball and there was this new girl that I told Jacob to get to know and maybe ask out in the future if he really liked her.
He said, “ I might  consider dating her in the future”.
The next day, Jacob asked Cameran if they could get to know each other and be friends.
I asked “ Jacob, Cameran, and Isabell if they all wanted to go to my place and hang out and all get to know each other better.
They said, “ yeah that would be so much fun!”
We all headed over to my house after school and I ordered pizza. We hung out, ate, watched a movie did, and  homework. We had so much fun. The next day, we we’re all in the same science class and we got assigned a project. We each had to have a partner and I had Isabell to be my partner and Jacob had asked Cameran. We had worked on the project that day after school. A week later, the project was due and that same day, Jacob asked out Cameran in front of the whole class. Cameron said yes. That day, we all hung out,  talked, and did homework together. There was prom coming up and I needed to think of a way to ask Isabell. I needed to think of the best way. I had looked up so many ideas and asked so many people what I should do and I finally came up with the perfect idea to ask her to prom. The following day I asked her, “ Will you go to prom with me”?
She said, “Yes, of course”!
She asked, “ Do you  want to go with me  to pick out my dress”?
I said “Yes.”
So we went to a few places and she finally found the most amazing dress. She looked beautiful. I couldn’t believe that she was mine.
I told her, “ I am so lucky to have you.”
She said, “ I am too.”
After we went looking for her dress, we went to eat and after that I took her to my place and we hung out and I taught her how to play basketball. She had so much fun and I had fun teaching her how to play. We were talking and she wanted to know what else we were doing for prom.
I said, “ We are going to go to dinner and after prom we could go back to my place and hangout and watch a movie with Jacob and Cameran.”
She said, “ I would love that.”
I said, “ Is there anything else you would like to do.”
She said, “ No, that sounds perfect.”
The next day we then told Cameran and Jacob our plan for prom and they said that sounds like a plan. We then had to plan where we were going to go and eat dinner. So, we did that, but  me and Jacob still needed to go order our outfits. We then went and did that and after, we hung out with Cameran and Isabell. We hung out for a couple of hours and we had school the next day so they all had to go home. The next day we were at lunch and Isabell gets a call from her mom and her mom says that she is going to be a big sister. She was so happy. Then we started talking about our future.
She said “ what do you think is going to happen in the future.”?
I said “ i think that we are going to stay together forever and we are going to get married and have kids.”
She said “  i think that we are going to get married have kids and grow older together.”
I said “ we will just have to take day by day.”
I had a game that night and she came to it and she watched me play. I made this game the best that I have ever done. I wanted to do my best for her. The next day she had cheer practice and i went to watch her because i wanted to support her. I then took her to dinner and we talked and then I took her home. The next day she was not there because she had a doctor's appointment. A week later she found out that she had cancer and she needed to have surgery. She was so scared that something was going to go wrong I told her that everything would be fine and that i would be with her no matter what happened. She had to have it two weeks later and she was so scared. She had the surgery and I stayed there the whole time it took awhile. Everything turned out fine and she was all better. She then had to stay in the hospital for a week to heal. I Couldn't stay  everyday because i had school but once i got off of school i went right to the hospital to check up on her. She was healing faster than what the doctors thought she would. She got out a couple of days later. Once she got out i helped her get caught up and made sure that she understood what we learned.  She was feeling so much better once she was out.
She said “ that food in the hospital was so bad.”
I said “i bet i have never had it but it looked really bad.”
We went to school and she had to stay home for one more week to make sure that everything was good. She hated missing school because she always was the one that never missed school. She hated staying home and doing nothing but watch tv. She then came back and she was happy because she missed school. A month passed by and it is a week until the dance so we are preparing for that. She then finds out that not all of the cancer is gone so she had to do radiation for a week. She could not be around anyone she can't see anyone. That week was one of the most hardest weeks that she had to go though. She got out of the hospital the day before prom. She then had to finish up getting everything ready so that we were ready. The next day she got her hair done then her makeup and then she went to go pick up her dress and I needed to go and get my tuxs. She was so excited to have a night to relax and get her mind off of all of the medical stuff. I went to pick her up in a limo and we took pictures and then we went to pick up jacob and cameran. We then went to a park and we took professional pictures. After that we then went to dinner and we ate and then we went to the dance. Once we were at the dance we just forgot about everything that we had on our mind and just had fun.
She then said “ we should go back to your place and watch a movie and hangout because we don't have the limo for much longer.”
I said “ yea we should let's find jacob and cameran.”
We found them and told them “ let's head back and watch a movie and hangout and talk.”

We then went home and we hung out and watched a scary movie. Then everyone had to go home because it was about to be curfew.  A couple of months later the school year ended. We then went to the colleges that we wanted to go to. We still stayed in touched. We all went and visited each other during the year. During the year they all got good grades. After the first year of college me and Isabell got married. The day after we go married her littler sister was going into first grade and we took her to school. A year passes and i get Isabell a puppy for our 3 year anniversaire.  She was so happy. We then lived our lives. We then ended up going back to college to get our bachelor degree and once we were out of school we waited to have kids for a while. We went and traveled and then eventually had kids. We grew old together and had the best lives we could ever have.